Best places to travel alone
03 Luglio 2018   •   Carolina Attanasio

Best places to travel alone in Italy, 4 experiences to try out

«Traveling alone is the best way to find yourself: you do not need to get to Tibet, you just need a touch and go in one of these four destinations: here are the best places to travel alone in Italy.»

Select one of the best places to travel alone in Italy is the biggest gift that you can give yourself in life. If you are turning your nose up, it is because you have not tried and, if you have not tried, it means that you have an incredible fear of knowing how it would go and, if you are afraid of something, life teaches us that nothing is better than dealing with your own demons and bringing your personal victory back home. Having concluded this brief session of psychoanalysis, which will be making Freud’s orbits spin from the grave, it must be said that traveling alone is not for everyone: being good social animals, the thing that we prefer is the being in other people’s company, especially when it’s about embarking on the discovery of unknown shores.

Doing things alone, especially for us Italians, is always a bit of a problem, just think about it: we don’t like to eat alone, go to the movies alone, go to a concert on our own, let alone travel alone, the highest degree of sadness. This is a mistake! Totally wrong. If you are the best pet you could wish for, if you have your own fixed travel group since 1993, if you can’t spend half a day with yourself without having a craving for it, that’s why you have to consider to travel alone.

Traveling alone takes everything you know about yourself and flips it around. What you thought you didn’t know how to do, you do it; the habit that is so dear to you, you lose it; the perspective of things, rotates a few degrees; tolerance and patience grow exponentially; people are not strangers to avoid, but human beings to approach.

Since the act of traveling simply requires going somewhere, it doesn’t matter where, you don’t need to inflict yourself with a 15 hour plane journey to know what it’s like to travel alone. You can start from a wonderful and incredibly close place, Italy. Now we will tell you about 4 experiences you must try when travelling alone along the Peninsula, highly recommended. Here are 4 of the best places to travel alone in Italy.

Spirituality: retreat in the Hermitage of Camaldoli (Tuscany)

You cannot get more alone than this, guys. Regardless of anyone’s religious beliefs, spiritual retreats are a cure-all to tame the crazy monkey inside your brain and find inner peace (so they say). The location in question is the Hermitage of Camaldoli, near Arezzo, founded 1000 years ago by San Romualdo, and it is a community of Benedictine monks. Lost inside the forest, it’s an opportunity to experience the monastic life, made of solitude and communion. The Hermitage welcomes everyone, even you, yes, for shorter or longer periods, and with various programs. You can pray, meditate, simply mind your own business, read in the library and taste the delicacies of the monks’ liquor factory (I already know what you’re thinking but use moderation, please). The stay is a good excuse to explore the territory of the Casentinesi Forests National Park. All the info can be found here.

Sportsmen are born: rafting in the Alcantara Gorges (Sicily)

I see you’re getting excited. Then there’s nothing better, when travelling alone, that a good test of adrenaline in one of the most iconic places of mother Sicily, the Alcantara Gorges, a botanical and geological park of great value, where you can practice a lot of outdoor activities, including body rafting, an itinerary to do as a group (and with the excuse, get to know new people), to visit the entrance of the Gorges and the most downstream part of the river, duly protected by a helmet and life jacket. You will be immersed in the breath taking beauty of this timeless place for 2 hours 30 minutes. The cost is 40 euros. You will have earned and deserved all of the arancini that Sicily produces.

On the road: the Langhe (Piedmont)

For road trip lovers, one of the Italian gems not to be missed is the territory of Piedmontese Langhe, a wonderfully natural and – above all – sensory, path. There’s nothing better, when travelling alone, to get lost in the search for the white truffle of Alba, go trekking, visit wonderful villages, taste Barolo as if there were no tomorrow, go home with the car full of goodness, that not even the parcels sent to off-campus students by the Italian mothers can match. This is another one of the best places to travel alone in Italy. Get a precise idea of ​​your itinerary here.

Relax: Terme Bagni Vecchi in Bormio (Lombardy)

I had already talked about it in an episode of Instaborghi , but it’s worth repeating: the Terme Bagni Vecchi di Bormio are one of the most famous establishments in Italy, and with good reason. It’s a real dive into history, the source of the baths has ancient origins, even the Romans came here to relax in the open-air pool, with a breathtaking view of the valley. If you don’t find yourselves here, my friends, forget about your search. Surely one of the best places to travel alone in Italy. More info can be found here.

Carolina Attanasio